Chapala Lake Festival Website

Website Builder: GoDaddy

Jalisco, Mexico 2021

  • Design an informational website for festival activities, participating artists, and sponsors.

    Translating artists bio’s from Spanish to English and establishing a catalog of artworks that would be for sale.

  • Client had started creating their website on their own in a blog like style.

    Upon being contracted I worked within existing template but reformatted for improved navigation.

    I created custom headers and footers to match each workshop and work along side with artists for the catalog of their works.

    It was my first time working within GoDaddy and while this builder came with it’s limitations, I was able to choose the most fitting layouts for each page within my options.

  • After two months we had fleshed out the different site categories and all artists were pleased with their personal pages.

    Upon completion the client and I discussed creating future festival page in Word Press for further customization.

    I also discussed other layout options to explore in order to condense menu length


