Impact & Value

  • Her commitment to excellence and willingness to learn new things were refreshing and also important to the projects she contributed to. She has a passion for design and brings a unique and fun perspective to art and design. Marieliz has been a consistent bright spot with her attitude, work ethic, and the quality of what she produces.

    — Gary Haus | ECS Art Director

  • Marieliz has been an exceptional addition to my business. She understands vision and is committed to seeing it come to fruition. She takes pride in her work and makes sure it meets expectations. She is not only flexible but adaptable. She has an eye for what people like and empathically connects with not only her clients but those they serve. From understanding the market, constantly learning new things, and applying them, Mari tries out different strategies as the needs arise. Working with her has been nothing but a Joy.

    — Joy Mukiri | Joy Mukiri Coaching

  • Excellent service, great listener, innovative ideas and design. Marieliz was extremely useful and friendly, she helped me a lot to have my website created and kicking. I highly recommend.

    — Oscar Villarreal | Chapala Lake Festival Founder

  • Marieliz was an absolute pleasure to work with designing my logo. She checked in with me often throughout the design process, and made sure I was satisfied with the direction she was taking. Her priority was to deliver something I would cherish for ever and she did just that! With regards to communication and keeping on schedule , working with Marieliz was a breath of fresh air. I would reccomend her to anyone!

    — Tali Lisman | Talisman Cafe Owner

  • In our multicultural, interconnected world, Marieliz Cecilio is an essential player. With an artistic flair and an unceasing smile, she readily transforms requirements into results. In my experience, she is always willing to take on new challenges, to explore new ideas, and to acquire new skills. Drawing on her background and life experiences, she brings to the table a deep understanding of the dynamic and multifaceted world in which we live. She is as inspiring as she is inspired, and I'm personally thankful to be able to call her both a former colleague, and a forever friend.

    — Matt O’Connor | Former ECS Network Administrator

  • Marieliz has a unique way of combining artistry and technical skill. Her designs intuitively fit my every theme. She is a special joy to work with, patient and fun while professional. She is my first choice always!

    — Cat Rambo | Cat Rambo Medicine Woman

A Heartfelt Appreciation

I worked with Marieliz for nearly seven years at Engineering & Computer Simulations (ECS). She smoothly transitioned from a broad mix of office and graphic design work into a full-time designer. As our employer grew, so did her responsibilities. As a project manager, Marieliz was on my shortlist of people that I always sought for my projects for three crucial reasons:

  1. She has a great sense of design, can communicate her choices to stakeholders, and consistently produces high-quality work.

  2. She is engaged. She gracefully accepts criticism and expresses her concerns and ideas. She asks questions, researches alternatives, learns, collaborates, and keeps me informed of her progress. She works hard and never fails to meet her commitments.

  3. She brings a refreshing energy to the team. Her optimism, curiosity, drive to learn, and genuine care for those around her raise the emotional intelligence of the entire team in a way that supports success.

Marieliz has worked with me on several project teams as a designer and courseware developer. Our teams and responsibilities at ECS were fluid, and she was sometimes a member of a project team I was leading and a peer on others. Since I am twenty years her senior with experience working in various roles and industries, she seeks my advice and perspective as an informal mentor. She's adept at filtering my thoughts for the essential information that she can use.

For all of the above reasons and those you'll know when you meet Marieliz, she has become my favorite person to work with and a trusted friend. I'm excited to see the fantastic things she will accomplish.

Brian Compton | ECS Program Manager